You must defend your Treeheart in the center from animals who want to eat it. Fortunately, those animals also like eating other things: flowers.

When you put seeds inside your inventory, they start converting. Once done, they come out automatically. The terrain you're on at that moment determines which exact flower comes out. Hopefully, the one that will distract / remove the incoming animals. 

When you drop seeds inside the Treeheart chamber, they become bullets instead. An ... alternative method for defending nature, when all else fails.

Every wave unlocks a new animal or gives you a choice between powerups. The game explains itself as you go. If you survive 16 waves, you've completed the game. 

I guess you might say this is a ... flower defense game.

Have fun!

About this game

This was my submission for the Do You Wanna Jam 2024!?

When I saw the theme Inside Out, I envisioned a game where you were constantly eating stuff ( = shoving it inside your mouth), and then spitting it out as something else. It was about converting one type of candy to another type of candy by running around and eating it.

Sounded great---but I just couldn't find the game here. What would even be the objective? Isn't eat stuff->spit it out a pretty weird theme? I couldn't find a way forward, so I pivoted to this game. You grab seeds, wait for them to convert, them drop them as something else. And being inside or outside changes the rules for how that works.

A loooot of ideas were scrapped for time though, and some enemies might be ... less tested.

You can find the source code on GitHub: Inside Sprout (Source Code)

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